Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hope for a better Winter

Brynlee has fought many ear infections in her two years of life. She had 12 cases by the age of 15 months. This summer was looking good until a couple of months ago she had two in the matter of a month. My Pediatrian suggested that we visit with a ENT specialist to have tubes put into Brynlee's ears to help have fewer ear infections.

So this morning we were off to the hosptial a little after 6 am. Brynlee was given a blessing last night by Matt and Kaleb (our home teacher) I was a little nervous due to the fact of Brynlee being put under for the surgery. We finally made it there and then the nurse checked us in and asked me a lot of questions. Then she took Brynlee from me and that's when brynlee started crying as she called my name "mommy" as she walked away. I started to tear up watching someone walk away with my little girl and hoping that I would see her again. I am so lucky that it is a short surgery. They came and got me 45 mins later when Brynlee had woken up. She was ready to come back to me as soon as she saw me. I held her tight with her blanket, as she continued to wake up. I hope that Brynlee has a better winter and hopefully with less ear infections. I truly am grateful for the gospel in my life, and am thankful for Priesthood blessings. I know that Heavenly Father was watching over Brynlee as she was away from me. The lord has blessed me with three precious children that I love with all of my heart.


Emily Nutz O'Neal said...

Poor baby! I'm sorry that you both had to go through that. In response to what you wrote, Brynlee looks like a sweet, perfect princess, incapable of causing trouble;) Good luck with the recovery, feel better.

Karalee and Anthony said...

I'm so sad that she had to go through that, but I'm glad that it's over with. Hopefully it does the trick. See you Saturday!!

Mrs.EBG said...

I'm glad that everything went well for Brynlee. I know tubes have done wonders for my neices and nephews and even Bry got some last year and they've helped him tons too! See you tomorrow night!

Kristen said...

Glad to hear all went well. Ear infections are the worst. Have a great weekend.

Sarah S. said...

It's amazing how brave kids can be. Sometimes I feel my kids are more brave than me. I'm so glad that everything went well. I hope Brynlee has a much more enjoyable winter.

Flip flop Queen! said...

I am glad things went well. Hope she has a better winter. I know Kylie has done so much better with tubes. Love Ya, see you soon!

Tanner and Shasta said...

Oh my gosh, I had no idea she's had so many problems with her little ears. I had an ear infection back in March, pretty much wanted to die. My heart goes out to her. I hope she's past them for good!

Jenn said...

Hope it works for her. Sydney continued to have ear infections w/ her first set of tubes for 6 months. When they fell out 6 months later, we went back to repeat ear infections. Now, we're on her 2nd set...haven't had an ear infection yet (almost 6 months later). You'll be surprised what a difference in her speech you'll notice. I seriously think the tubes help them hear things least for Syd that's how it's been.

PB and J said...

I sure do hope things go better for Brynlee from now on. I can't imagine having that many ear infections and having to take her in to the doctor that many times!

Unknown said...

Oh, poor baby! I remember getting that done when I was 5 - it was an overnight stay in the hospital and I still remember the crib I had to sleep in - yep a big crib! I hated it because I felt like a baby. Hopefully it helps with her infections. I was just at the dr. today with both my kids getting meds for ear infections... so fun!

Jessica said...

Oh, I am so sorry. It is so hard to watch someone carry your little girl off to surgery and then the waiting is awful. I am glad that everything went well and I hope that she will get over the ear infections. The tubes are so great! I am glad that they can do that these days. Take care!