Monday, July 21, 2008

What memories do you have with me?

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.


Kelli said...

I have quite a few fun ones but the funnest have to be our "couples parties" when in Signal Butte/Parkwood Ward! Oh the presents exchanged in our Secret Santa gift exchange! LOL! Another great memory is how supportive you all have been over the years on different events, especially birthday parties for our kiddos! Thank you!

The Garrison Family said...

What memory don't we have....when we got shot at in T.J. by the Mexican Mafia.....or when you MADE me drink castro oil because you wanted me to have my baby before you left?.....or all the good and the bad time when we lived together....the infamous kiss at the beach shhhh!....and so many more..... I love being around you we always have a good time with good laughs.

Anonymous said...

Thats hard to pick one memory, but the on that comes to mind is probably the time we were at applbee's and I spilled like 5 drinks on you, and then Brayden spilled stuff on you too and you were soaking wet when we left!!! LOL

Rachelle said...

Hi Matt & Val! I just thought I would give you a shout out and tell you how cute your blog is. You should check ours out at so we can stay in better contact. Some of my funest memories with val is all the YW sports and many years of young women camp together. We did crazy stuff at camp and made up some of the funniest skits. Bobby remembers trips on your bikes to 7-11 and lots of swimming and sleep overs. A week in Chihuahua mexico listening to beastie boys, playing nintendo. And of course lots of Soccer. We would love to here back from you. Brayden and Brynlee are so dang cute and getting way too big. Take care, Love, Bobby & Rachelle